The story The Last Storyteller is now ready to read.
Stories are outlawed and commoners are not allowed to speak. Joan, the King’s scribe, has never heard a story and wonders why the royal household is so afraid of them. Wanting to know more, she takes a perilous midnight journey to find the last storyteller.
This story is an adaptation of chapters from the novel No One Named Tim.
Happy reading.

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3 replies on “The Last Storyteller”
This is such a beautifully written story on such a critical subject, particularly in light of recent state/local bans on books which will deprive at least one generation of excellent and important literature and history. Thanks for sharing on the Fediverse – I hope it is widely read and as well received as it deserves.
Thank you Cynthia. The college professor wanted to use it because of the issue of censorship.
Thank you for sharing this story with my students in Children’s Literature at Northern Essex Community College. They all enjoyed reading it and it was a perfect follow up for our discussions on censorship and fantasy literature.